Stop the Presses, Baldur's Gate 3 Quest

August 2024 · 3 minute read
Stop the Presses, Baldur's Gate 3 Quest Guides 4 Gamers Game Maps & Guides for Gamers.
  • Guides for Gamers
  • Baldur's Gate 3 Game Guide
  • Quests
  • Stop the Presses
  • Group: Baldur's Gate

    "Stop the Presses" is one of the quests available in Baldur's Gate 3. It falls under the "Baldur's Gate" group of quests.

    Note: Currently, this page contains raw quest data only. I will try to update it with more valuable information as soon as possible.

    Quest stages of Stop the Presses

    1. Talk to the editor of the Baldur's Mouth Gazette.

    We met a journalist, Estra Stir, who told us we're set to star in the next edition of the Baldur's Mouth Gazette. We should find out why.

    2. Stop the Baldur's Mouth Gazette printing slander.


    Ettvard Needle has written an article for the next Baldur's Mouth edition that will ruin our reputation. We must stop it from printing.


    We found a test printing of tomorrow's article about us - it'll be disastrous for our reputation. We need to stop it printing.


    We found the Baldur's Mouth printing press and it looks like we can change which headline article is printed in tomorrow's edition. To save our reputation, we should do just that.


    We befriended Jelliwig, a fey creature within the Baldur's Mouth printing press, who'll swap tomorrow's headline article for us. We just need to find a replacement article.


    A discarded article in the Baldur's Mouth building reflects positively on us. If we find the printing press, perhaps we can get it published in place of the planned hit-piece.

    3. Print a puff piece in the next broadsheet.


    We found a positive headline about us to load into the printer - we just need to figure out how.


    We found a positive headline about us for Jelliwig to load into tomorrow's edition before it prints.

    4. Check the next edition of the Baldur's Mouth Gazette.

    We swapped out the negative headline with a different one we found in the Baldur's Mouth building. Tomorrow's paper should no longer damage our reputation.

    5. -


    We didn't stop the negative headline printing - and our reputation around the city is in tatters.


    We destroyed the Baldur's Mouth printing press - preventing the negative headline about us from being printed.


    Ettvard threatened to ruin our reputation, so we ruined him. Today's paper should instead cover his demise.


    The Baldur's Mouth headlines should be singing our praises - we should see if the city's populace noticed.


    The Baldur's Mouth headlines won't be mentioning us at all now - leaving our reputation intact.

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